Retain, Extend & Expand Basic Income for the Arts

Together with a number of organisations across different arts sectors and disciplines in Ireland, we are collectively making a public call for the retention and expansion of the Basic Income for the Arts after the current pilot has concluded. We’re asking you to please sign and share the petition below to support this call.

Through the introduction of the Basic Income for the Arts pilot by Minister Catherine Martin and this government, Ireland has taken a significant step towards better supporting and investing in its artists. This initiative, unique in its approach, provides a basic income to artists, recognising their contribution to society and the economy. However, this programme is currently a pilot and needs to be retained, extended and expanded.

The introduction of Basic Income for the Arts underscores the premise that government investment in the arts yields a myriad of positive benefits to society from economic, health, mental wellbeing, education, societal cohesion, diversity and inclusion to creativity, critical thinking, innovation, entrepreneurship, global reputation and much more. 

The Basic Income for the Arts pilot has shown promising results in providing financial security for artists while allowing them creative freedom without the economic precarity so many artists and arts workers have been shown to disproportionately suffer. By making this programme permanent and expanding it further, we can ensure that our artists and arts workers continue contributing their creativity towards enriching our culture while also securing their livelihoods.

Let us stand together in support of our artists and arts workers by urging policymakers in Ireland to retain, extend and expand Basic Income for The Arts.